Sunday, July 1, 2007

WTF and other adventures....

So this weekend I finally went to the famous Williamstown Theatre Festival. As with most things, the idea that I had created in my head of this place was completely incorrect. I'm starting to learn that is generally the case.

I've learned a few things this weekend - one being that I have a hard time meeting new people these days. I think I need about 24 hours to (I hate this word) decompress and relax when I leave New York. I was definitely kind of nervous about this trip - it was an odd combination of people for me AND I was having the whole "I have a cough, and cramps, and today I am very socially awkward" feeling. I combatted this feeling by leaving Williamstown and going to visit some of my friends from Jacob's Pillow in Northampton. This was a good choice for me.

I haven't seen Jaime in over a year. She was my partner in crime in Development at the Pillow and she is wonderful and ridiculous. I also met her friend Alex and got to see my friend Josh. It was silly and immature and fabulous. I think that is what I needed.

I'm very please that I got to visit MassMOCA while I was here. I love MassMOCA. It is a unique museum and incredible. To have been within 20 minutes of MassMOCA and not seen it would have broken my heart.

I think that ultimately this was a successful trip. I'm slowing figuring out how my brain and personality works again and this weekend was helpful.

PMS and cramps are stupid. They make life harder than it needs to be. Being thrown into a situation where you have to be charming is annoying and challenging enough. Automatically feeling like poo on top of everything else was probably not what I needed.

And I got "Man Bling" tattoos. So really that made the weekend worth it. I am looking forward to an adventure with Abby in New York wearing our matching MAN BLING tats.

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