Saturday, June 23, 2007

That Time I Confused the Greenpeace Lady or Why I Shouldn't Talk to Strangers

While walking from the subway to my apartment, I am greeted by a woman from Greenpeace. While we are talking my roommate passes by and I wave.....this conversation ensues:

Greenpeace Lady: Who was that?

Me: That's my roommate.

Greenpeace Lady: Oh you live with a guy?

Me: No, I live with the girl.

Greenpeace Lady: I thought you meant the guy.

Me: No, that's my roommate's husband.

Greenpeace Lady: (pause) So then does he live with you?

Me: No, he lives in Ithaca.

Greenpeace Lady: I don't understand. How does that work?

Me: They live in different places. He goes to med school.

Greenpeace Lady: Why don't they live together?

Me: Well...they are Chinese. (pause as I realize I now sound racist) It has to do with Visas and jobs and costume design's hard to explain. They'll live together Ithaca.

Greenpeace Lady: I am still confused. So....will you join Greenpeace?


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