Wednesday, June 6, 2007

I Want to Leave My Fingerprints on You

This is a line from a song in Passing Strange which I saw at the Public Theatre tonight. I highly recommend it. I guess you could call it a rock musical...or a punk rock musical....

It is based on the life of Stew, a musician. He just goes by Stew, so all I can call him is Stew. I really wish they would make a cast album. I want to see it again.

So this random lady I met today gave me the cell phone number of a 28 year-old family friend that she thinks I might like... to date. It was one of the stranger moments of my day. I'll probably give him a call, since he is a theater person and is going to CMU. I like new people.

And I'm going to a Yankees game tomorrow.

Life is unexpected sometimes.

Sigh. I really enjoyed Passing Strange.

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