Friday, March 23, 2007

I officially work on Broadway.

I started my new job today which was pretty great to tell the truth. I enjoy my fellow marketing associate - he is just the right mix of helpful, funny, and snarky sarcasm that makes the day go smoothly. And it was pleasant to realize that tons of people were coming by to meet me and that my bio had been circulating around already for a few days. There certainly is a difference between a nearly $30 million organization and a just over a million one. I'm getting excited about the things that I will get to be involved in.

Here is a short list:
photo shoots for ads and various press needs (read: famous people!)
large scale advertising
press editing
copy editing
marketing material maitenance
special events
photographing new displays for new shows to document it
A bit art direction (woot!)

The good thing is that with three theaters I get to leave the office a lot. I also get to leave to go to the ad agency, the press agency, the display printers, etc. etc. BUT we have interns! I can ask them to get me lunch (I probably won't though...but I will ask them to make me copies!). I think they are only slightly younger than me, poor girls.

I've also learned about the "show downs" with the general management department. However what I know is that I am the QUEEN of department showdowns....not winning them necessarily, but getting through them...the nicer you are (nice but firm) the better. Anyways, I can photoshop and work illustrator at high speed which impressed many...thank you Parsons School of Design where that whole skill set started.

After work I then ran to the theatre I did props for to fix something and sadly accidently got superglue all over my hand which made me really uncomfortable, but most of it seems to be gone now. Eeeeeeeck. No fun there.

Now I make pasta and sit around the apartment in my superman underwear and a t shirt because I am the only one here through MONDAY. AWESOME. However sitting on a wicker chair with no real pants is a really stupid idea because now I'm afraid I'm going to have funny patterns on my legs for the rest of my life.

So yeah, I'm still going through stuff about boys. But the good news is, I took the initiative and asked someone I find attractive to go to a party with me...we'll see how it pans out or if he bails, but the text message I got was great. Anyways...I'm starting to move on I guess.

I've been listening to this song by Mika a lot that is about break ups/sad relationship things...the lyrics are sad but the melody is less so and it has a gospel choir in it, which is kind of great.

I like things that are kind of wonderful, beautiful and ridiculous all at once.

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