Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A Job and two apple crates?!?!

The Universe does love me and will take care of you!

Well kids, I have a job...well actually I have a job offer, which is great and then I get to feel all grown up. The great thing was that I had a horrible job interview today and was feeling kind of poopy during the interview...let me elaborate.

I go to an interview at Columbia Artists Management International to be a booking agent. As I am talking to the lady, it becomes painfully clear that I do NOT know anything about being a booking agent..especially a booking agent for mainly classical musical artists. The lady says "I didn't actually see anything on your resume that suggests you are capable of this job, but I liked your cover letter so I was hoping you would tell me something that is not listed here that would convince me." WHAT?!?! Anyways, it shows I write a mean cover letter. We then talked about my options in the city, which was strange because I felt like she was saying "Buck up little tomato, you'll find a job soon." I had already listened to a voicemail from my job offer which is a big theater complex in the city that deals with new work and famous I wasn't really too pissed.

But seriously..that interview was a waste of everyones' time.

Then I went to rehearsal which was satisfying on a few levels: seeing actors do their thing, remembering why Shakespeare is just so darn pretty, seeing my friend Dan wearing a silly eye gel mask (made my day), and a little harmless flirting.

The best part was when I walked out of the rehearsal and saw...drum roll please...two wood crates...exactly the missing prop I needed. New York at times can be a giant wonderful playground. However, today it's balls cold and no one wanted to play outside.

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