Wednesday, April 4, 2007


...or why I think theater or theatre (whatever floats your boat) is a powerful medium.

Oh Frank Langella that was a lovely show.
Tomorrow I see curtains.

I need a new thing to watch...someone said baseball season started...

Seriously there is a full out Yankees vs. Mets showdown in my very own office.

AND today, I met with Hal Prince. He told me my exhibit looked lovely, offered to help me carry a portfolio of archival photos and then immediately told his assistant to "do something useful" and handed it to him. But boss said "Who else can say 'It's my second week of work and I'm meeting with Hal Prince." Sigh....this job ain't too shabby...

I do fear that someday soon my co-worker Tom and I might be rocking the showtunes on the piano tipsy at a work party...why do I fear this...because he has in the past and we are going to be partners in crime, and frankly that latent musical theatre kid from the early 90s is probably going to rear it's ugly head soon....I fear for MTC.

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