Thursday, April 19, 2007

God Bless You Tax Return!

Thanks to my new job and my phatty tax return I can hypothetically be back in my "Savings Safe Zone" ie. $5K in a little over a month at which point I will hand over at least $2K for an apartment. Sigh, I do live for adventure at times, but I do really relish having "Oh SHIT" money. If something goes wrong or if I suddenly want to take a trip to Prague (and I do I really, really do want to go to Prague...) then I can do it.

Also new dating fatties, no uggos, no baldies, and try to avoid "boys who might secretly be writing porno scores".

I want an IRA. Or start investing. I should probably stop buying so many shirts....

1 comment:

AllDeTime said...

My tax return was moderate. Pleasing nonetheless. But I'm not sure where it went. I think to Yuengling...