Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Real Life Grown-Ups: They're Just Like Us

This weekend while I was at a memorial event, I saw a bunch of alumni from my university dealing with grief. My friend remarked "Oh man, they are just like us, even years later. That's us." So pretty we observed that when it comes to strong life changing events and feelings, everyone is a child - no one knows the rules.

When it comes to romance, it's true - everything is like high school. It's all about who likes/loves you, and who has control...come to think of it, that is like war too - not the like/love part, but who has control (and who's side God is on). So pretty much I'm convinced...the older you are, the less you know - at least the less you know about big emotional humanizing situations.

Anyways, so here I am at 25 and I have been hit with a crush the likes of which have not been seen since high school.



It's the kind of dehabiilitating crush that takes your attention away from work, that has you spiraling unrealistic fantasies out of nothing like cotton candy, and causes you to plot far-fetched and non-economical plans to run into the person. Sheesh...I do not need this, although it is enjoyable.

I spent a good part of this afternoon (shhhh don't tell the boss) chatting via gmail with my friend from grad school about how she might be in love with her best friend. And I thought, "Honey, I've been there."

Honey, we've all been there.

In some ways, this is the biggest pickle of all (yes, I just said pickle). What do you do when you fall for a friend? Or work colleague? Or long lost acquaintance? When is it okay to cross the line to romance/fooling around/sleeping together?

Remember when you were in middle school and high school and kissing was enough...? Sadly, at twenty five it's not enough anymore, but I wouldn't mind some quality make-out time with no strings attached.

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