Thursday, April 19, 2007

My One True Love...

So in the midst of all my harmless crushes on dark haired boys with messy hair and and glasses (FYI these boys are everywhere - at your grocery store, on the subway, at your place of employment assisting famous directors, at Rudy's Bar and Grill in midtown) I thought about my one true love.

Is it:

That boy I dated for 3+ years?... No!!!

That friend I thought I was in love with off and on for a while?....NO!!!!

My grad school crush... HELL NO!

My first boyfriend....HELL NO x 2!!!!

My first love and true love is books! Now I know you are thinking "oh that nerdface" and that is A-OK by me. Because I still love books. Books don't let you down, there is the perfect book for every moment in your life. You learn from books. Books are harsh and kind depending on what you need.

Books are your friends when you are traveling by yourself. In fact, I like books so much that I even go into bookstores in foreign countries just to see that the country likes books too. So shut your hole and read a book - it will only make your life better.

I especially appreciate how certain books are extra special because of the point in your life when you read them....Some poignant, perfectly timed books in my life:

This Book Will Save Your Life- I was getting on the plane from London just after being broken up by a boy who had shown me an engagement do the math. A man reworks his entire life in this book ...oh...also it had pictures of donuts on the see, you see why I needed this book.

The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood-This is an excellent example of a book that wasn't even that good that I needed to read at the specific moment I read it. I read it my senior year of high school when I was having giant life decision type fights with my family. Now my mother was never an abusive southern alcoholic and I'm not a middle aged dysfunctional theatre director, but this book took hard relationships between mothers and daughters and beautiful language and mixed it up into a wonder gumbo of a story.

The Sound and the Fury- I love this book. I love Faulker. I get really mad at Faulkner sometimes, but we are still cool. (Also read during senior year of high school)

The Giver- I read it in elementary school and it has stayed with me for my entire life. I read this book something like 16 years ago....

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason-Picture me 19 years of age, alone and in Ireland and Britain for 4 months. This book gave me a mirror for all my silly adventures.

Eat Pray Love- I'm in the middle of this book right now and I am savoring every moment of it.

There are more, but it is late, and I need to sleep because I have a To Do list and a half to take care of at work tomorrow.

Goodnight and thanks to Dave, Alex, and Rudy's Bar and Grill. Free hotdogs forever.

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