Wednesday, February 21, 2007


There really isn't a good way to express this but ARGH. Before I left for London, this guy I used to work with at my 2nd job wanted to be friends. Now friends are good....but the problem is, I don't think he wanted to just be friends and I felt really awkward around him pretty much 100% of the time. But I was moving to London, so it was ok.

Problem: My bad luck.

Who do I run into at a Barnes and Noble at 9:30 on a Tuesday? You got it kids! Yep. So now what do I do? I've already been invited for coffee, via email. Sigh.

I've been really angry yesterday and I think today (it's early, I hope things could change) about this whole London/breakup thing. I think the spike of anger is due to getting over the "shock" of being back in NY part, but also due to the fact that I still don't have my cell phone and although I could just get a new one there is an activated cell phone floating through the magical paths of the US Postal Service and getting a new one is overkill. But the phone is holding me back from the very important socializing and also job-finding next steps.

I saw a People Magazine with the title "Astronaut Love Triangle" which struck me as a good name for a band.

By the way, I hate how Facebook can be used as a weapon. You know what people are going to read - you know that people are procrastinators and will therefore read stupid little things.

On a happy note, thus far seeing events/plays/shows/etc. has been very fruitful. I saw a free theater presentation last night that involved disabled actors. It was very low key because it was in an NYU conference room, but there was lots of free food and wine which canceled out any feelings of resentment I had for the post show discussion.

Tonight I might see a concert.

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