Monday, February 19, 2007

My brother quotes Morissey in tense situations...

My mom and I talked on the phone for a while during which she expressed relief and gladness that my brother and I talk to each other when the parents are not there. Yes, yes we do - we talk about the parents! My brother and I long ago managed to create a shorthand way of communicating: a mix of childhood references and pop culture and the the expression of love etc. through the giving of strange but very appropriate presents. Two examples:

1. The summer I taped Silver Spoons everyday and gave the VHS tapes to him at Christmas because it was his favorite show.

2. The time my brother found out there was mint Yoohoo and decided to buy me the YooHoo because I like mint and also bought about 20 other drinks and set them up on the table for me to have an official taste test.

Last night I had dinner with some people from grad school and some of their friends. Essentially everyone was an arts administrator. There was a great deal of "shop talk" and then the passing of business cards. These are people who really want to be arts administrators, who name drop and talk about how rebranding is overrated. I never saw me getting an arts administration degree as the be-all end-all of anything. I view my degree as a way to have some skills and do other things besides theater.

Then I took my debit card receipt and wrote business dinner on it. I'm gonna deduct that shit. My friends were mystified by the concept of quarterly filing for freelancers.

There was also much talk about flu shots. I felt like I was forty but it was nice to see these people.

Liz and Michelle's apartment has been labeled with Spanish stickers....I know when I use a cup now I am using "la taza" and "la affrombre" is outside my room and you are supposed to wipe your feet on it (it's a rug fools!). I helped label and learning is fun.

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