Thursday, February 15, 2007

Holding Court in Union Square

I spent the afternoon of my first day back dodging the snowfall and leaping the snowdrifts and then proceeded to look at jobs for a few hours in the Union Square Barnes and Noble.

Essentially I ended up holding court there whilst my friends came through one by one.... a few emails were sent because people asked what country I was in and soon enough people to have a sports team came over to kick it in the cafe.

I never did apply for jobs although there are many because I'm waiting for my phone in the post. Moms is on it and already sent it to my new home. My cup overfloweth in fact with options...

I'm sleeping on an air mattress again but this one was purchased for my arrival and set up quietly for a surprise by some of the best people I know in NY - the kind and caring Liz and Mikki, my own Statues of Liberty welcoming me back.

I've already run into a friend unexpectedly. It was a bit awkward as I was returning unshowered and dirtball to Brooklyn with the morning commute. She expected me to be in London, and I replied that I too had expected to be there as well. With a hug and some well executed verbal barbs towards the other side of the ocean, she said that she was ecstatic to see me again.

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