Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Hi My name is .... and I'm a ...

Last night I went to the Grey Goose Vodka Party my friend did the lighting design for and it was kind of amazing... I'm pretty thrilled anytime there is free food, but by the time I was on my 3rd fancy drink and eating tiramisu out of little square containers, I was a big supporter. Liz came too as did Christina's brother and he and I learned we have the same birthday - a little crazy I do say.

The party was in the building that used to hold De La Guarda. I saw their NY show years ago the first time I lived here so I took a little time to reflect and then just enjoyed all the restauranteurs and the fancy clothes as well as the giant murals made of pears. I did run into someone I know - a guy who was an actor at a theater festival in '01 when I was basically a lowly intern. I was a guest at the party and he was a waiter - someone said that must feel pretty good, but it doesn't really. What can you do but just keep eating the free lobster puffs. Then I woke up at six this morning because I thought it was raining and then realized I'd only been asleep for about 4 real hours. Argh. This is why I stick to beer and wine.

So I went to a party a few days ago where I felt pretty awkward for a while, but then it was ok. I was proud of myself for making the effort to talk to people I didn't know. I've definitely learned to not go into any kind of social party/situation expecting anything specific because it is never what you think it is.

Parties always bring up the age old question "What do you DO?" and since I don't really know, that's a hard question.

Honestly I feel like talking about things I like or reactions I have to things would be more accurate than "arts administrator" or "theater artist" - really it should be more like this:

Likes snow falling when the snow is still clean
Hates really loud noises unexpectedly
Likes dipping graham crackers in milk
A reader
Ability to live in really weird living situations without much issue (ie current nomad status)
Likes it when New Yorkers do nice things like help old ladies cross the street (I've seen this 3 TIMES with the snow!!!)

Anyways, I have a little theater job and an interview for a part time well paying fundraising job.

Game on.

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