Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Message from God...and Phillip Morris

This is the post where I talk about God. Actually no not God, because I'm kind of a big ball of believing in a mix of fate, luck, coincidence, divine providence, and a little bit of comedy.

So really it's just a couple things...

When cigarettes fall mysteriously from the sky is a divine presence telling me to take up smoking?

And as other things fall neatly into place (jobs opening up, friends going on long trips and giving me free rent) is it healthier to believe that I am meant to be in NYC right now....

Or should I keep skimming those books at Barnes and Noble about relationships that are vague in a way because I feel like anyone would read them and then question their ability to be a functional person....

Dude, I swear I just went to the bookstore to pee.

I choose option A - meant to be here, especially because I'm having a lot of fun.

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